This website (Dan Treks) and the information within is intended as a resource for general information purposes only. While we endeavor to keep information updated and correct, we can make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability of the information. Any reliance placed by users of the information provided is therefore strictly at the users own risk. No responsibility or liability will be accepted by this website, or its owners for any negative consequences, current or eventual, related to the use of this website and information contained within.
Due to unanticipated conditions such as National Park Service, State and Local policies, construction and other natural changes, this website does not assume any liability for the accuracy of posts, trail conditions and directions. This website always attempts to document all of the posts as accurately as possible, but numerous circumstances like trails and locations tend to change over time. Please be safe and respectful when following any of the documented hikes and posts on this website.
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